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Featuring the 2022 Taoist

BaZi-Ausarian Initiation System

 Ra Un Nefer Amen gives the keys for analyzing the Bazi (Four Pillars) Chinese astrology chart to discover the forces that shape your personality. Find your hidden talents and learn to enhance the evident ones through managing the energies that generate them. The book, written in a comprehensible style, avoids, as much as possible, technicalities and perplexing Chinese terminology. In no time, you will be conversant with this system. You will also learn to fix the problems revealed in your chart through Qi Gong and Chinese medicine. To apply the teachings in the book, order a Bazi astrology chart from Taui Network.

"Taoist BaZi Psychology"

Ra Un Nefer Amen applied the cognitive skills that led to the reformation of the Ausarian spiritual system, as presented through the volumes of the Metu Neter, to discover the hidden treasures of the so-called Taoist Astrology and found a way of unlocking its power to provide insight into a person’s psychological makeup, emotional patterns, mental processes, talents, and health picture. These can be combined to provide personalized coaching and counseling in the areas of career, relationships, health, spiritual initiation, entrepreneurship, etc. 

       The additional information was sourced from the Daoist philosophical literature, I Ching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western Psychology. The result was combined with the Bazi system to create a new genre, Taoist Bazi Psychology. Of note, is the replacement of “astrology” with “psychology,” for reasons that will be introduced.

Taoist BaZi Psychology 2022

Chinese Astrology and Bazi indicate the effects that the cyclical changes of the energization of the faculties of the psyche have on the life of man (as well as the environmental psychic envelope). The understanding of this fact makes the 12 branches of “Chinese Astrology” the centerpiece of the system. In other words, the 12 branches (Rat, Tiger, Snake, etc.) correspond to the 12 faculties of the human psyche. Understanding them lays a foundation for understanding human behavior and prognosticating events, avoiding and repairing behavioral and health issues.

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Your 2022 Taoist BaZi Report

Our Bazi report, based off of your natal chart, for the year 2022 will show you the opportunities (family, wealth, success, health, etc.) that this force will bring to you for this year and the next, and how to enhance your water chi to sustain your efforts through the following four years, enabling you thus, to enhance your well being (wealth, health, family, etc.) moving forward


        As generally practiced by the Chinese inventors and practitioners of the system, Bazi focuses on giving information about the cyclical changes in the “five” areas of life; for example, increase or diminution of wealth, social and career status, relationships, resources and support, ability to be productive, and a general warning of serious health events, and so on.